A Word About Katrina Giries
Katrina Giries is a Licensed Professional Counselor and National Certified Counselor at Preston Place Counseling.
(Click on image to go to her web page)
She specializes in working with adolescents and adults with addiction, eating disorders, codependency and trauma related disorders. She frequently works with Borderline, Bi-Polar and OCD clients as well as suicidal and self-injuring clients.
In addition to Katrina’s training and practice experience, she brings a unique personal journey to her clients. Katrina is recovering from a serious battle with ovarian cancer. She was diagnosed early in 2015 and was told she was terminal and was not a candidate for surgery. Katrina persevered and found the right surgeon who successfully eradicated her cancer. Katrina understands all too well the grief process that may accompany serious illness and shares this with her clients who are in need of that perspective.
Tuesday, November 15, Katrina will be speaking at the Dallas Free Lecture Series sponsored by The Meadows. This promises to be a powerful and deeply personal presentation. If you are able to be there, you will be blessed!
- A Word About
- Abuse
- Anger Management
- Anxiety
- Breast Cancer
- children
- Conflict
- Depression
- Disaster Recovery
- Divorce
- Dr. Harold Duncan
- Dr. Terri Gonzales
- Emotional Intelligence
- Grief
- Healthy Sexuality
- Index
- Katrina Giries
- Marriage
- News
- Parenting
- Photo
- Practice Update
- Safe Conversations
- Skype Counseling Sessions
- Stress
- The Meadows Series
- Uncategorized
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