A Word about 2017
I challenge you to go beyond “resolutions” that are easily forgotten and quickly broken.
I challenge you to think about “modifications,” not only in your behavior but also in your thinking patterns.
A few examples:
- Think more about the present and the future and less about the past–especially about past hurts, resentments, mistakes and “failures.”
- Think more about what’s good and positive and less about the “bad.” You can control what your mind dwells on, and what you dwell on determines the quality of your life today, tomorrow and every day moving forward.
- Think more about safety but not just your own–think about being a safer person. “How can I be safer, especially with the people who mean the most to me?”
- Zero Negativity–Promise yourself that you will eliminate all negative talk and behavior from your life. This will not come easily, and you will not do it perfectly at first, but it is possible. Yes, it is! Is, too!
- Instead of telling your loved ones what they need to do, cultivate the habit of asking more questions and giving fewer pieces of advice. Ask questions out of curiosity, and then, listen to what they have to say. Really listen without thinking about what you are going to say when their lips stop moving.
- Memorize the five magic words: “Tell me more about that.” And when you say it, mean it! You may be surprised at what you will hear when you give the other person the opportunity to open up in a safe environment.
- Don’t let a day go by without letting the most important people in your life know how much you appreciate them and how grateful you are that they are a part of your life.
Trust me. Your life can be better, fuller and richer in 2017 than ever before!
I have two additional requests:
- Click on the “Relationships First” image below, and you will be directed to their channel on You Tube. This is a site that contains many of the videos produced by Safe Conversations. Once there, click on the “Subscribe” button and you will receive regular notifications about new videos and other information regarding building and maintaining safe relationships.
As stated on this site: “Our goal is to inspire a relational world by providing couples, families, and organizations with communication techniques proven to strengthen relationships at home, work, school and everywhere.”
- Save the date: February 11, 2017
This is the date for the “biggest and baddest” Safe Conversations event ever! The live event will be at Fair Park, Dallas, and it will be streamed live to dozens of locations in Dallas, the United States and abroad.
Go to: http://www.safeconversations.org to find additional information and to sign up for the February event.
- A Word About
- Abuse
- Anger Management
- Anxiety
- Breast Cancer
- children
- Conflict
- Depression
- Disaster Recovery
- Divorce
- Dr. Harold Duncan
- Dr. Terri Gonzales
- Emotional Intelligence
- Grief
- Healthy Sexuality
- Index
- Katrina Giries
- Marriage
- News
- Parenting
- Photo
- Practice Update
- Safe Conversations
- Skype Counseling Sessions
- Stress
- The Meadows Series
- Uncategorized
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