Author Archives: admin

A Word about Safe Conversations, 2020

A Word about Safe Conversations, 2020 It’s that time again! Announcing our upcoming Safe Conversations Workshop, Saturday, October 3. This year, due to the need to “distance,” our numbers are limited, and attendance is on a first come, first served basis.  To register, please click on: Developed by Drs. Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly […]

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A Word about Pandemic Emotional Health

A Word about Pandemic Emotional Health I just became aware of a study regarding the psychiatric impact of COVID in the UK.  The findings are not surprising, but they may help confirm that you and I are not alone in how we feel and how we are reacting to our current challenges. Please click on […]

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A Word about my Grand Reopening

A Word about my Grand Reopening As a result of last Monday’s announcement by Governor Greg Abbott concerning “opening up Texas,” I am pleased and excited to let you know that my counseling office is once again open for business. I understand that some of you will continue to be more cautious.  In that event, I will continue […]

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A Word about Masks

A Word about Masks Healthy and satisfying human communication depends upon many factors, verbal and nonverbal.  We listen to peoples’ words and tones of voice.  We also observe body language signals to supplement the words we are hearing. Everyone learns how to read these cues, but therapists are trained to be acutely observant of verbal […]

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