Do You Have a Problem with Alcohol?
The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence offers this self-test as a guideline. It is not intended to diagnose alcoholism but to help determine whether you (or someone close to you) might be at risk. A “yes” answer to any of these questions may indicate a problem with alcohol.
1. Do you ever drink heavily when you are disappointed, under pressure or have had a quarrel with someone?
2. Can you handle more alcohol now than when you first started to drink?
3. Have you ever been unable to remember part of the previous evening, even though your friends say you didn’t pass out?
4. Are you in more of a hurry to get your first drink of the day than you used to be?
5. Has a family member or close friend ever expressed concern or complained about your drinking?
6. Do you often want to continue drinking after your friends say they’ve had enough?
7. When you’re sober, do you sometimes regret things you did or said while drinking?
8. Have you sometimes failed to keep promises you made to yourself about controlling or cutting down on your drinking?
9. Have you ever had a DWI (driving while intoxicated) or DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol) violation, or any other legal problem related to your drinking?
10. Are you having more financial, work, school and/or family problems as a result of your drinking?
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